Jean Shrimpton
Jean Shrimpton was one of the leading models of the 1960s and one of the first to be labelled a ‘supermodel’, the term Time magazine used to describe her in a 1971 article. Nicknamed ‘The Shrimp’ she was part of the new style of model and was closely associated with the work of the fashion photographer David Bailey.

Gaining much attention for wearing a Colin Rolfe designed white shift mini-dress with no gloves or hat. The trip was part of a two week promotional trip to Australia, sponsored by the Victoria Racing Club.

Wearing a more demure knee-length outfit with hat and gloves following the shock caused by her gloveless and hatless outfit earlier in the week.

At London airport on her way to a holiday in Sicily - wearing a pink blouse and white trousers, 1965

At London airport, returning from shooting cosmetic commercials in Milan, 1965

At London airport, returning from her holiday in Sicily, 1965

Photographed by David Montgomery, wearing a brown teddy-bear coat with leather fastenings and a polo-neck sweater, 1965

Filming a series of television commercials for cosmetics

At the premiere of 'The Collector' at the Columbia Theatre, London, 1965

In London after being signed to make their film 'Privilege', 1966

Her kitchen was designed-for her by the Gas Council after she admired their London Girl Kitchen at the Ideal Home Exhibition,1966

Leaving her hotel room to attend the Melbourne race, wearing a two-piece white suit, 1965