Courting Tennis: Love All
Vintage press prints of tennis stars from the 1920s to the 1960s

playing against Helen Jacobs in the Wimbledon final, July 1934


playing against Helen Jacobs at Wimbledon


Kay Stammers, Freda James, Joan Ingram, Margot Lamb, May Hardwick and Evelyn Dearman, 1937

L-r, back row: Betty Nuthall, Phoebe Holcroft Watson, Peggy Michell, Dorothy Shepherd-Barron and Phyllis Howkins Covell. Front row: Edith Cross, Helen Wills, Helen Jacobs and Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman

Dorothy Shepherd-Barron, Peggy Michell, Phoebe Holcroft Watson, Beverley Carthew Covell (manager) Betty Nuthall and Phyllis Howkins Covell. Aboard the S.S. Aquitania, 1929

at Dorothy's home in Dudley, March 1937

in Hyde Park, after her victory over Helen Jacobs in the Wimbledon final, July 1934

at the opening of Wimbledon, June 1935

US team, on the left, GB team on the right. L-r: Alice Marble, Helen Jacobs, Mary Arnold, Dorothy May Bundy, Sarah Palfrey Fabyan, Mrs George S. Wightman (captain), Julian Myrick, Betty Nuthall, Valerie Scott, Mary Hardwick, Nina Brown, Freda Hammersley and Kay Stammers

with eleven tennis stars wearing his 1966 Wimbledon styles, June 1966

with twenty-five tennis stars wearing his 1967 Wimbledon styles, June 1967

playing in the Wightman Cup, June 1928

Ann Shilcock, Christine Truman, Shirley Bloomer, Mrs Mary Halford, Ann Haydon and Pat Ward

playing against Helen Wills in the Wightman Cup, Wimbledon, c.1928